Avatar the last airbender ep 1 season 2
Avatar the last airbender ep 1 season 2

I don't know if the writers just wanted to get it out of the way, or they thought the way they executed the explanation was the right way to do it, but it left a bad taste in my mouth. However, The way in which uncle Iroh expresses his love for Zuko did not seem very organic to the show, and slightly out of place. Both those things got explained and it wasn't something I had to wait multiple seasons for. One thing that really stood out to me and made me love the show even more, than I already did, was that I didn't have to wait to hear an explanation as to how Zuko got his scar over his eye, and what his relationship with his uncle was like. Angry, stubborn, and bull-headed Zuko's impatience and frustration grow with each and every episode. With great heroes you need great villains, and that's where the exiled Prince Zuko and his uncle Iroh come into play.

avatar the last airbender ep 1 season 2

She goes through some major changes and she even manages to changes lots of lives in the process, she was a fun one to watch. Katara the wise Waterbending teenager was one of the most interesting to watch this season. Each with an interesting point of view and individual voice, they are distinct in their own right.

avatar the last airbender ep 1 season 2

From the first episode "The Boy in the Iceberg," Avatar gets you completely invested in these new characters. As story-driven as this show is, I don't think it would be anywhere near as good as it is without its ability to create such strong characters. The writers know where they are going and know how much they can give us to keep us locked in and still drooling for more. That's not to say there are still questions that need answered, but the ones you may have like where did Zuko's scare come from, or when did Aang find out he was the Avatar get answered in this freshman year for the show. Whereas with Avatar when you have a question, you don't need to wait four seasons to have it answered, it gets answered in this first season. The big reveal of a lot of things that happen in this world is a breath of fresh air from other cartoons, and television shows that offer you interesting ideas with very little to no pay-off, and then drag it on for seasons and seasons, and if you pay attention you quickly see that there is no clear direction those shows are going. Episode after episode in this first season we learned more and more about the world they live in, and its back story, and the major characters' back stories. For starters, in order to have a successful show you need good to great storytelling abilities.

avatar the last airbender ep 1 season 2 avatar the last airbender ep 1 season 2

#Avatar the last airbender ep 1 season 2 series#

Coupled with fantastic story telling, fascinating characters, and some pretty incredible story arcs it's no wonder why this series has received such critical acclaim. By taking the style of animation that the Japanese invented and making it their own the creators of this fresh and unique series struck cartoon gold. That risk I am referring to is an old style of animation done an American way. When trying something new it is always a risk, but sometimes when you take that risk it pays off, and with Avatar: The Last Airbender it paid off in spades. Along for the ride with Aang, Katara and Sokka, are some of Aang's old friends a giant flying Bison named Apa, and a flying Lemur named Momo. Aang the Avatar and last Airbender, Katara, and Sokka set out on an adventure to help Aang master all four elements Earth, Water, Fire, and Air in order to defeat the Fire Nation from world domination. The Avatar's job is to bring peace to the world and stop the Fire Nation from conquering all. When a Waterbender and her Brother, Katara and Sokka, find a young boy trapped in ice, they soon realize the he is the Avatar who has been missing for the past 100 years, and on top of that he is also the last Airbender.

Avatar the last airbender ep 1 season 2